Rushed: “People finish my sentences. It makes me rush and makes my stammer worse”. 4th April 2019. Cornwall, United Kingdom.

Trapped: “[The stammer holds you back. You want to do things, you want to say things. It holds you back”. 16th April 2019. Wiltshire, United Kingdom.

Dim: “People thought I lacked intelligence all because of my stammer. This made me lose all confidence and started to make my stammer worse.” 8th April 2019. Cornwall, United Kingdom.

Isolated: “I had very few friends at school and I felt alone, ashamed, embarrassed and isolated”. 14th April 2019. Wiltshire, United Kingdom.

Lesser: “You begin to convince yourself that your opinions are worth less than other people’s”. 1st April 2019. Cornwall, United Kingdom.

Vanish: “Sometimes having a stammer just makes me want to fade away”. 27th March 2019. Cornwall, United Kingdom.

Stuck: “[Because of my stammer] I pretended to have something stuck in my throat”. 1st April 2019. Cornwall, United Kingdom.

Lottery: “Words scare me. Which will came out, which won’t? It’s a lottery”. 18th March 2019. Cornwall, United Kingdom.

Useless: “[My stammer has] made me feel unemployable, a useless member of society”. 16th April 2019. Wiltshire, United Kingdom.

Glitch: “Being called a glitch or broken. Children at school used to think I was ‘insane’ just because I stammered”. 18th March 2019. Cornwall, United Kingdom.